Sunday, January 3, 2010

LIZ: Books I've Skipped

I am a voracious reader, I admit it. And between working in a bookstore and becoming addicted to, I have far too many books on my to-read list, to say the least. I currently have 5 shelves of my bookcase full of some of these books, and when selecting one to start, I just point and pull. However, because some of these books have been on said list for some time, I tend to not be interested when I start reading. Now, some people would just push on, telling themselves that they had wanted to read it for some reason at some time, so forge forward. Not me. Life is too short to waste on bad books.

This brings me to an interesting point - should I be keeping track of these books I tried but decided to skip? On, there is a nifty feature to save books you have read, and I take full advantage of this (thank god, because sometimes I feel so neutral towards some books that they dont stick with me and I end up picking them up again...This happened to me with "The Reader" this week). But what about books that I thought I'd be interested in, piqued my interest enough to track down a copy, but then started reading and decided that it wasn't for me? Well, I've decided that this blog is a great place for that. Soooo, presenting:

Liz's List of Books That She Probably Would Like but Since the First Chapter Didn't Grab Her, She Gave Up:
  • Ecology of a Cracker Childhood by Janise Ray (extremely dry; I was bored within 5 minutes)
  • Vows: The Story of a Priest, a Nun, and Their Son by Peter Manseau (was way more Catholic church-scandal related than the juicy story I thought was behind the title)
This also proves my theory that I am the biggest judger-of-covers I know.

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